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RE: Smart search email recieved

Peter Klünder


Im trying to setup smartsearch to be used in email marketing and scheduled delivery, this is working fine though.

Is it an error that I cant select "If specifik email recieved" in smartsearch and then linking to a scheduled email ?

linking to any other email is working fine but not the scheduled email




Hi Peter,

I've tried to reproduce your problem, but i've testes latest version and also 8.6.1 - And I cannot get your problem, see

So could you provide some additional information about how you get this problem, like steps or better video, also information about your solution version, and I'll try to reproduce it again.

Best regards,
Viktor Letavin
DynamicWEB Software A/S, Russian team
Peter Klünder

Hi Viktor

I still can't choose scheduled email in the "If user recived this email" in smartsearch

I'm running - I have recorded this that shows the problem.

Best regards


Hi Peter,

Sorry for late taking care about this, i wasn't notified by email about your answer. 

I've looked into the problem again today, and found why this happening - it is not because of trying to select scheduled email, it is bug: if mail subject has apostrophe it cause javascript error. I'll create bug tomorrow and add task id here as reply so that you will be able to track on it's progress.

Best regards,
Viktor Letavin
DynamicWEB Software A/S, Russian team
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Peter,

As I promised I've created the bug with TFS #17789 related to your problem. 

We appreciate your help to improve The Dynamicweb system.

Best regards,
Viktor Letavin
DynamicWEB Software A/S, Russian team

Votes for this answer: 1
Peter Klünder

Hi Viktor

Thanks, i'll just remove the apostrophe from jeg subject.

Best regards 


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