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RE: ItemPublisher - Filtering options on checkboxes

Jan Sangill

Hi I have a checkbox collection, and I need to filter this collection in the itempublisher.

But it only allows to say  "Value equal" or "Value NOT equal"

What I need here is "Value is Contained within". Just as in a fieldtype of text.

I need this, because a checkbox value is not always only one value. It can be 2 or more values combined, and this is saved as "Value1, value2, Value3" in the table.

Any workaround to fix this, other than redoing how the itemtype is setup?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Jan

Hm, using a checkbox list I see the issue.

Actually it seems like it is supported when using querystrings - so you can do like this: ?Category=*2* where Category is a checkbox list of values 1, 2, 3 etc. But using the filtering options from the paragraph works a bit different.

I'll add it to a work item for 8.7

Votes for this answer: 1
Jan Sangill

Hi Nicolai,

The query example works. Thats good enough for now.

TY for the input!:)


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