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Forum » CMS - Standard features » RE: Global:Device tags

RE: Global:Device tags

David Matheson


I recently tested a site I am working on (seperate templates for desktop, tablet and smartphone) at a device lab to check my tablet and SmartPhone versions..  The site worked fine across all devices (see this link) with the exception of the Nokia Lumia.  This returned the desktop site. When checking the Global:Device tags only the .IsDesktop tag returned "True".  I had expected that the .IsWindowsPhone would return "True" too, but no.

Is this an omission or a bug - and will it be fixed?

Does anyone have a workaround?




Mikkel Ricky

It's probably an omission. The Global:Device tags are set from the user agent string and we are missing a check for Windows Phone 8 (see User-Agent headers for Nokia devices). I'll update our check to handle Windows Phone 8 as well.


If possible, please go to with a (physical) Nokia Lumia device and report the user agent string back here.


Update: Currently, we require either "windows phone os 7" or "iemobile" in the user agent string in order for a device to be mobile device running Windows. It will be really helpful to know exactly what user agent string the misbehaving phone has.


Best regards,


David Matheson

Hi Mikkel

The Nokia Lumina returns this string

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows Phone 8.0; Trident/6.0; IEMobile/10.0; ARM; Touch; NOKIA; Lumia 920)

Hope it helps


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

This is TFS#13079 due for 8.3.1


BR Nicolai


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