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RE: Email Marketing Split Test Statistics

Ryan Meade

Hello there.

Currently, when doing a split test in email marketing, statistics are automatically consolidated after the test is finished and the email no longer keeps the separated performance statistics. Is there a way to still see these separated statistics even after the test finishes? If this is not currently available, there would be a lot of value in maintaining the separated statistics so marketers can see which test outperformed the other and why in order to make future email design and behavior decisions.

Thank you for looking into this. 


Christian Rud Skovgaard
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Ryan,

This should be possible when right-clicking on a sent email and choosing "Split test report". This will show you the performance data from the moment when the split test was concluded. It is true that these data are not further updated after the split test has been terminated.


Kind regards

Christian Skovgaard

Votes for this answer: 1
Ryan Meade

Thank you for this information and for pointing me in the right direction. 


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