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RE: DW Translate tag

Jonas Mersholm

I am trying to use the <!--@Translate(Key, Default)--> functionality of DynamicWeb,

Using the following code

<!--@Translate(DIRECTPHONE, “Direkte”)-->:

It simply just outputs the " : ", nothing else, not even the default value.


My question is.

1) How do i make it display/output the default value, as expected.

2) How do i translate the string afterwards.


best regards.



Thomas Schroll

Hi Jonas

Somewhere in your file structure you will have a file called "Translations.xml" (probably in the root of your design folder). Write the following in the file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <key name="DIRECTPHONE">
    <translation culture="en-US"><![CDATA[Direct]]></translation>
    <translation culture="da-DK"><![CDATA[Direkte]]></translation>


For every different translate tag you will need a new key with the translations inside the ![CDATA[]]

Regards Thomas 

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

You can find the translate documentation here:

BR Nicolai

Jonas Mersholm

Thanks both of you, that was really helpfull :)


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