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RE: Breadcrumbs in new DW

Jonas Mersholm

Hi DW guys!

I'm remaking a DW website in a newer version of the software. The solution uses breadcrumbs, but i cant find a way of implementing them correctly through the new templating way. I tried this

 <ul class="dwnavigation" id="breadcrumb" settings="startlevel:1;endlevel:1;template:liclean.xslt;expandmode:Path;">


Which simply prints out my whole pages tree.

Any ideas on how to solve this?


best regards.



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Attached an example of a breadcrumb xslt running with default settings:

<ul class="breadcrumb dwnavigation" id="breadcrumb" data-settings="template:breadcrumb.xslt">

 You can also use your example from above and add a setting sitemapmode:true. See manual:

Jonas Mersholm

Thank you Nicolai, that was exactly what i was looking for.


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