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Question of Cookie manager

Martin Nielsen

Hi DW,


I have a question about the Cookie manager,


I've called the URL: http://dynamicweb.local/admin/public/CookieOptInLevelConfig.aspx?cmd=SetCookieOptInLevel&OptInLevel=0

to set my cookie acceptance to 0 / None.


I've reloaded my page and when i look at the cookies on the site i see this:


Shouldn't the "Dynamicweb" cookie be gone?


// Martin



Martin Nielsen

Has anyone used the CookieManager yet?


I'd like to hear if you've made it work.


Remi Muller

I have used it.
When the optinlevel=0 dw does not set any new tracking cookies. I guess you are looking at an old cookie which was set when it was allowed to set tracking cookies.

Dw does not remove old tracking cookies this is something you could do yourself when the client changes to no cookies.

Martin Nielsen

Hi Remi,


Thank you for your input.


If DW doesn't clear cookies when you set optinlevel 0, then what are these settings for?:



Shouldn't they be removed if the visitor doesn't want them?


// Martin


Remi Muller

That depends how you look at it. At the time the cookie was placed it was allowed. From the moment the user chooses for "no cookies" there are no new cookies placed or cookies being updated.

The old cookies will also eventually expire and be removed by the browser.

As i suggested before if you want to explicitly remove cookies which have been placed earlier that you create a javascript which removes tracking cookies when changing to "No cookies".

Martin Nielsen

Hi Remi,


Thank you for your feedback again.


If what you say is true, and you're suppose to clear cookies via javascript manually, then what good is the section "Cookie deactivation"?


// Martin





Remi Muller

It is very usefull. It makes sure that no new cookies are being set which are marked as tracking cookies.


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