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Query string filtering between dates

António Ramos

Hi guys,

I was trying to get all news from one month, using the "examples" below. 


DateAndTime=2014-08-01 (equal)
DateAndTime=2014-08-01&DateAndTime.op=< (before)
DateAndTime=2014-08-01&DateAndTime.op=lt (before)
DateAndTime=2014-08-01&DateAndTime.op=> (after)
DateAndTime=2014-08-01&DateAndTime.op=gt (after)"

It appears that he ignores the combination of two fields. I use the following query:


It's possible to do this based on query string?

Best regards,

António Ramos





António Ramos


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi António

It is currently not possible to configure the use of the OR operator, which is what you want. It has a hardcoded AND operator on the filters. When using the filter settings on the paragraph, it is configurable. We will implement it for QS as well. TFS#17738

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
António Ramos

Hi Nicolai,

Thank you for the answer.

Best Regards,

António Ramos


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