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Prompted to go through setup wizard (in existing site) after restoring database

Lamar Miller

I'm in the process of getting my local version of a website caught up with the production version.  I made a backup of the production database and restored it on top of my local database.  We are using Git to keep the file system in sync (which is why I only made a backup of the database and not the whole site)

Since restoring the database, when I run the local website I get redirected to the setup page (Welcome to Dynamicweb Setup Guide).

What could be causing this?


Morten Bengtson
This post has been marked as an answer

It is probably because DW cannot connect to the database. Some security settings might have been lost when you restored the database.

Check if you can log on to the database directly using the username and password stored in GlobalSettings.aspx

Votes for this answer: 1
Lamar Miller

You're right.. That was the issue.

I ended up figuring that out by just following the wizard and got an error in the database setup step that clued me in.



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