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Picking a user group from a custom item type

Rasmus Andersen

Hi DW folks, 

Using the user picker from an item it looks like it is possible to pick a user group. However it has no effect when i select a user group from the picker.
Is it possible to pick a user group instead of an individual user or will/can this be made possible?

Thank you :)



Merethe Vrå Andersen


It was decided to only support user selction with item types. For more advanced functionality, it is recommented to use the extranet module.

You can make a request in the Feature request section, but it was decided to only support users with the item type.

How are you able to select a group?

Kind regards,

Rasmus Andersen

Hi Merethe, 

I think this has been added as a feature request for 8.7.1 (

Thanks for your reply :)


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