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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Phrases management for client

Phrases management for client

Dmitrij Jazel

Hello DW guys,

I wanted to know meybe there is something like that in CMS, that I haven't yet descovered. Or maybe you could recomend some way how to solve it.

As any other websites, there are places in the site "phrases" that are used several times on the site, Simmilar to translation tags.

Only thing is that developers usually set them up in translation tags, or hardcode them in one or another way.

Eventually client would like to have a possibility to change them at any time.





Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

This is the best we've got:

You can edit those key in the UI.


We have a new concept coming up during the spring though...

BR Nicolai

Dmitrij Jazel

Nice! :)

Ahh, yea, well That is almost that I had in mind, but I will give it a shot, and hope that is something that will satisfy the customer :-)

Looking forward to it :-) 





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