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Permissions, access to translations

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I have a weird scenario where I have a backend user set as Admin, with full permissions on the content but without permissions to edit Translations.

I have no idea what I need to set up to make it able to access Translations.

Anybody else having the same problem? I am using DW 9.9.8.

Thank you,


Olga Shedko Dynamicweb Employee
Olga Shedko

Hello Adrian,

Try to upgrade to dw99 (9.9.9) It should work here.

Or please record a video with additional details:

1. As I understand you go to Content > All websites context menu >Translation and try to edit translation value in the field. What message do you get exactly?

2. Please show your user group permissions 

Best regards,

Olga | QA



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