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Performance Issues using Item Lists

Søren Heide Larsen
Søren Heide Larsen


Our front-end developers have grown very fond of Item Lists as they are easy to fill data into and use, however, it seems like they trigger a lot of SQL Queries.

I have ensured that all items involved have "Cached" enabled, but they still come, any advice?




Martin Vang
Martin Vang

Hi Søren,

All items are cached in 9.3. You should upgrade to get the performance boost. The old implementation is... not that good - and will not be hotfixed.

Starting from 9.3, the option to NOT cache items has also been removed. The caching should now work in a way that is consistant with how everything else is cached.

Please let me know how you like the new approach. We're in the process of doing the same to a (sub)section of Ecommerce.




Søren Heide Larsen
Søren Heide Larsen

Ok, I will try to update from 9.2 to 9.3 and let you know the results :)

Søren Heide Larsen
Søren Heide Larsen

Hi Martin,

We tried upgrading now and so far it seems to be a lot better,  the SQL calls are greatly reduced and the overall page feels faster.

We had some issues with front-end not working with dropdown lists, but this was because we used GetValue. I changed it:

from: Model.Item.GetString("Type")
to: Model.Item.GetValue<ListViewModel>("Type").SelectedValue

which made it work, but I would recommend that you overwrite ToString() to make it easier for other customers to migrate in case they use the same method as we did :)

I still see some SQL calls which are called every single time on the page, which you proberly could cached as well:

  • DECLARE @p0 INT = 50
    SELECT * FROM [ItemList] WHERE ( [ItemList].[ItemListId] = @p0 )
  • DECLARE @p0 INT = 50
    SELECT [ItemListRelationItemId] FROM [ItemListRelation] WHERE ( [ItemListRelationItemListId] = @p0 ) ORDER BY [ItemListRelationSort] ASC
  • DECLARE @p0 INT = 51
    SELECT * FROM [ItemList] WHERE ( [ItemList].[ItemListId] = @p0 )
  • ...



Martin Vang
Martin Vang

Hi Søren,

Good to hear from you. Yes, I agree that we are in no way "done" with caching improvements. So far, our priority is to make product/ecommerce related "entities" faster/cached correctly, so it will take a bit of time before we get to look at that specific database call.

We do take a profiling-run of the frontend every now and again, so these database calls should be caught eventually.

we will take a look at your suggestion regarding ToString on viewmodels. It was not something we considered a prime usecase, as a viewmodel does not, as such, represent a "value object" that is easily tostring-able. Your concrete example is fairly straightforward, though. :)




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