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Thomas Schroll


I'm setting up new forms used on landingpages. I need to place different snippets of text in the form. I prefer to place all the text at the right place instead of manipulating the position with css. The site is multi lingual which mean that I can't just use multiple templates (there would be to many). I can't use the submit label in the forms module because I need to insert event based tracking codes in the submit tag.

As I see it, it leaves me with creating page item fields. My problem is that I can't figure out how to insert page item fields in the module template like area item fields. I previously used snippets in the page template but with many snippets of text (4 or more) I would like to insert the page item fields directly in the (forms) module template.

Does anybody know if that is possible and how I can do that?

Regards Thomas


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

If you are using an item type to exten the page properties, you have a tag called Item.Page.fieldname that can be used all over. Is that what you mean?


Thomas Schroll

Hi Nicolai

Yes I'm extending the page properties.

I have tried @GetString("Item.Page.FormSubmitLabel") in the form template, but dw doesn't render anything?

Regards Thomas

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas

Is the value available in the layout template on that page?


Thomas Schroll

Hi Nicolai

Yes, it is available in the page layout template.

Regards Thomas

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Ok, the tag is not available in the forms template context.

But the form is being rendered on a page, and therefore you have a pageview context. And since your template is Razor, you can simply get the value from there:


BR Nicolai

Thomas Schroll

Hi Nicolai

Thanks, but I get an error: 

'Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView.Current()' is a 'method', which is not valid in the given context

What am I doing wrong?

Regards Thomas

Mikkel Ricky

You have to write


i.e. with () after Current. However, in a Razor template you can also just write


which is shorter (@Pageview is the same object as @Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView.Current()).

Best regards,

Thomas Schroll

Hi Mikkel

I think I've tried every possible combination. If I insert


I get the error:

'Dynamicweb.Content.Items.Item' does not contain a definition for 'Item' and no extension method 'Item' accepting a first argument of type 'Dynamicweb.Content.Items.Item' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

If I comment out the second line, it's working fine.

If I insert


I get the same error.

Regards Thomas



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas

It is because we mixed up VB examples with C# and you are using C#. .Item is a default property and is not needed in C#, and we use ("") which is VB syntax, [""] is C# syntax

@Pageview.Page.PropertyItem.Item("FormSubmitLabel") in VB is @Pageview.Page.PropertyItem["FormSubmitLabel"] in C#


Mikkel Ricky
This post has been marked as an answer

You have to write


and before doing that you shoul check that @Pageview.Page.PropertyItem is not null:

@if (Pageview.Page.PropertyItem != null) {

You can get some help with using stuff like this in your Razor templates by using Visual Studio to edit your Razor templates. See for details.

Best regards,


Votes for this answer: 1
Thomas Schroll

Great. Now it's working. Thanks :)

Regards Thomas

Thomas Schroll

Hi Mikkel

Yes, but I haven't had the right setup (yet), but I will need to look into it.

Thanks for your help.

Regards Thomas


Mikkel Toustrup Olsen

Hi Mikkel,

Are you able to get item label from the Pageview object as well? I have tried several methods, however with no luck :(


Mikkel TO


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