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Page and Paragraph permissions for Anonymous users

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

Although this might end up as a feature request, I think I still have to ask.

I need to create a separation between B2B and B2C users based on permission at page or paragraph level.

The problem I have is the mix of anonymous and registered users on the B2C side. And becuase of that, I can't set "Allow" permissions for "Anonymous" and "Consumer" users since Anonymous is not a group and  the permissions are triggered only when defining "Deny" for "All".

Is there any alternate method for this apart from adding "If-Else" statements in Razor? This is not the first time I have this need, therefore I feel that we need a permanent solution for such cases.

Thank you,



Nicolai Pedersen

There is no alternative. I am not sure I understand the use case, but the feature would be simple enough (but not permissions). Something like a "Hide for logged in users" checkbox on paragraph level?

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Yeah, that's a trick.

I was looking for a standard way to do it using permissions, which would be a natural place to look for this.

If you want to show a paragraph for Anonymous users but not for Logged in users, it's not possible. Having an additional checkbox on the permissions (or another virtual group underneath All) would be a nice addition to the permissions.




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