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Out of stock - visible but not "addable" to cart

Nuno Aguiar

We have a client qhen we need to still show products if stock is 0, but just not add it to the cart. How can I control this?

We tried blocking the addToCart link based on a custom checkbox field but the order history and forced link allowed it. The Management Center option to not whow a product if added to 0 is not an option also.

Will custom development be the only way out?

Best Regards,


Juriaan Pinkse

Hi Nuno,

You could probably write some custom code which checks the stock level in the shopping cart and removes the products if stock is 0 (or whatever value you set) using the Notification Subscriber "BeforeRenderingNewStep".

Here you can use something like "Order.Orderlines.Remove" if stock level is 0.

Hope this helps.

Beste Regards,


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