Posted on 09/09/2019 15:15:35
Hi Nicolai,
That makes a lot of sense and explains a lot. I have two follow-up questions then.
Is the data duplicated in each, or in just one or the other? I assume that when DW detects if it's a bot, it will use one or the other, and not both. Is that correct? When doing cleanup of the stats, it sounds like we could trim the bot data much more frequently.
I updated the query but I'm still getting orphaned daily results. Am I misunderstanding the relationship?
SELECT * FROM Statv2Object o WHERE o.Statv2ObjectSessionID NOT IN (SELECT Statv2SessionSessionID FROM Statv2Session)
AND o.Statv2ObjectSessionID NOT IN (SELECT Statv2SessionSessionID FROM Statv2SessionBot)
ORDER BY Statv2ObjectTimestamp DESC