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NewsV2 - Frontend editing custom fields

Remi Muller

I am trying to submit news but i can not add custom fields to the post.

There is also a CustomFieldsLoop in the standard template but it does not work.

1. Can i submit and edit the custom fields and how does it work?

2. Can it also work for the custom field groups?



Oleg Rodionov
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Remi,


You should follow directions described by the following links of DW manual:

1. News2 (custom fields and custom field groups) -  and below ones;

2. News2 (Frontent editing) - The topic shows us that the both - custom field items and custom field group items can be selected to edit (custom field group items is shown if the group selected has custom field group assigned, surely).

So, to edit(create) news you should use a page with the module set up properly, the page has to be under Extranet security (you should be logged in the frontend by a user).

I've checked last Access/SQL DW versions - the feature works properly. 


BR, Oleg


Votes for this answer: 1
Remi Muller
This post has been marked as an answer

Ah i missed that. Thanks!

FYI For frontend editing i noticed i had to switch to frontend editing and select the custom fields and save. Then i could switch back to the newslist and allow the editing on custom fields.

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