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NewsV2 Cross publishing

Richard Adams

Hi all,

I have an issue on crosspublishing with the module NewsV2.

I have published several news items in two different news categories (eg Cat1 and Cat2. The news article is originated from Cat1). When I set a page up to display items for Cat2, the items that originate from Cat1 does not display, exept for the for first news item.

Is there a known issue with cross publishing in NewsV2, or should I adress this issue in another manner?



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Richard


Sorry for the late response.


I've asked a QA to have a look at this.


BR Nicolai

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Richard


This was fixed in


So you just needs an upgrade.


BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1


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