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Newsmodule related items

Casper Bang-Udesen
How do I attach related content to a news item ?

I know that you can attach fields groups to a newscategory but this functionality is somehow limited.

The customers wants the ability to create additional information to a newsstory for example a contact box or a additional description box.

See screenshot



David Matheson

Hi Casper,
The News Module does not support this directly.  What I do (in the News page template) is to add a Global:Paragraph.Content() tag which displays the contact information.  That way, if the person leaves the company then you only need to edit the contact information one place.

If you have different contact persons for different news types, then you'll need either to have more that one News page template, or write an If statement based on the News Category that includes one or another Global:Paragraph.Content() tag.


<!--@If Not(News:CategoryName="General")-->



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