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Newsletter NOT being sent [urgent]

Ton Martens


In the near past, customer had sent several newsletters with succes using the Online Marketing/Email Marketing feature of DW.

Yesterday, customer sent a new newsletter which was NOT sent:

The status is 'sending' but nothing is sent. "Send start" = N/A. "Send complete" = N/A. See screenshot for a view of the DW backend. The failing mailing appears in the Drafts folder of DW.

The folder \home\html\System\Log\EmailMarketing\QueueWorker\Events contains a logfile: LogStarted_2015_10_22.log

See below for these entries.

What causes the newsletter not to be sent, or how can we figure this out? Customer already tried to initiate the newsletter again. Same effect, nothing happens.


I would appreciate a quick reply.



Edit: a recycle of the application pool did not fix this

This file shows the following entries of events on january 19th:

[1/19/2016 5:17:46 PM]:    [48]: MessageQueueItem prepared. Recipient count: '1'
[1/19/2016 5:17:46 PM]:    [48]: MessageQueueItem processing started.
[1/19/2016 5:17:46 PM]:    [48]: OnBeforeMergeAndDelivery.
[1/19/2016 5:17:46 PM]:    [48]: Starting: WorkerTask 1.
[1/19/2016 5:17:46 PM]:    [48]: OnAfterMergeAndDelivery.
[1/19/2016 5:17:46 PM]:    [48]: Delivery provider set: 'Dynamicweb.EmailMessaging.MessageDeliveryProviders.DynamicwebSendMessageProvider'
[1/19/2016 5:17:46 PM]:    [48]: Recipient queueing finished. '1' recipients queued.
[1/19/2016 5:17:46 PM]:    [48]: Completed: WorkerTask 1. '1' recipients processed in total.
[1/19/2016 5:17:46 PM]:    [48]: OnComplete.
[1/19/2016 5:17:46 PM]:    [48]: All WorkerTasks completed successfully.
[1/19/2016 5:17:46 PM]:    [48]: Processing residual recipient info.



Dennis Skov

Hi Ton

Im pretty sure it's because you are sending to a newsletter list, where none of the users have checked: User accepted communication methods on the users.

Med venlig hilsen / Kind Regards

Dennis Skov | Service Desk

Dynamicweb Software A/S | Bjørnholms allé 30  | DK-8260 Viby J

Phone: 70 25 20 90 




Ton Martens

Hi Dennis,

Many thanks. I checked this and you are right. I overlooked this possibility because of the confusing status of the newsletter "Sending". That gave me the impression that a process was 'hanging'. I think the status should reflect a more meaningful message.

Again, many thanks, the customer will be reliefed.



Dennis Skov

Hi Ton

We have changed the behaviour in 8.6. The emails ends in draft with the status "Current email has not been sent: Recipients with permission: 0/xx

Med venlig hilsen / Kind Regards

Dennis Skov | Service Desk

Dynamicweb Software A/S | Bjørnholms allé 30  | DK-8260 Viby J

Phone: 70 25 20 90 


Ton Martens

Hi Dennis,

Great! I appreciate your support.

Kind regards,


Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen


I just stumpled over the same issue, running DW9.1.4. Sending to a list where none of the recipients had given permission. The systems says "Sending" when you click the "Send" button and the newsletter is placed in the Drafts folder. Why not check if there are any recipients that have given permission before actually trying to send the newsletter. This information is already shown to the editor (see attached screenshot). If no recipient have given permission then give that message and cancel the sending process. In this way the editor won't get confused thinking that the newsletter have been sent.

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Lars

I've skipped this to QA for verification and fixing.

Thanks, Nicolai

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen

Hi Nicolai

Great, thanks :-)

Oleg Rodionov

Hi all,

New TFS 30259 has been created to implement the feature in email marketing, thanks.

BR, Oleg QA


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