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News V2 in dw8

Lise Trabjerg Pedersen
Vi have a solution, where several categories from the newsV2-module is extracted as xml with the datalist-module, and then used for a mobile site (not build in dw)
I would like very much to upgrade this solution for Dw8, but I know that the news-module has been improved with new features (but is still named NewsV2) and can we then risk, that the xml-output fails after the upgrade, and has to be programmed again? Or is everything from the old newsV2-module unchanged, only with better features? (I look forward to the opportunity to have the same news-item in several categories!)

There is no way back after upgrading - can anybody help me deciding?



Lars Britz
Hi Lise, 

The database tables related to News v2 are untouched in DW8, so in theory there should be no problem outputting the same data as before. However, if it is a sensitive site, I would recommend asking for a temporary test-site (through the case-system), so you can see the effects of upgrading to DW8 before doing so on the live-site.


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