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New website VS old website domain behaviour

António Ramos
António Ramos


We have a customer that developed a new website in the same solution but in a new different website (AreaID).

He had multiple sub domains (without setting in area domain area) that were opening the default website (AreaID = 1) and all was working fine.

After publishing the new website, all this unregistered domains in the website settings are still opening AreaID = 1.

There is any way to force all subdomains to open this new website? (wildcard or something in domain settings)?

Thanks for your help,


António Ramos


Nicolai Pedersen

Nope - you can disable areaid=1, then it will go to the next one.

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks for your answer. We had made a test in 8.9 and it throw 404. This is only for DW9 or should be also in DW8?


António Ramos

António Ramos
António Ramos


Nicolai Pedersen

I do not understand your second question.

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi Nicolai,

Sorry for the confusion. Let me try to explain better.

I made a test in DW8, where i disable the first website and by your logic in previous post, this should open first page of second website (next one) but instead had thrown 404 error.

My question is regarding your affirmation "you can disable areaid=1, then it will go to the next one". We tried in DW8 and this don't work. Is this logic available for DW9 and not for DW8? Or should both versions working with this logic?

Hope it's more clear,


António Ramos

António Ramos
António Ramos


Nicolai Pedersen

It works like that on both DW8 and DW9. I have no issues with it.


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