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Forum » CMS - Standard features » New users don't have access to 'System' and 'Templates' folders

New users don't have access to 'System' and 'Templates' folders

Joakim Tønnesen

I checked the folder settings, tried to add the user's group to the members, as well as in the settings for each user. But can't seem to find a way to give new users access to these folders. Where do I change this? The folders are hidden from them in the File Manager.


See attached screenshots for comparision between my admin account view and our client's account view in the File Manager.

Skjermbilde_2013-06-26_kl._10.32.46.png Skjermbilde_2013-06-26_kl._10.33.09.png


Morten Bengtson
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Joakim,

Maybe the folders are locked in Management Center?

It is usually a good idea to keep these folders locked, so that only developers make changes to templates and system files.


Votes for this answer: 1
Joakim Tønnesen

Thanks for the quick response!


You're right, normally we would limit it to the developers, but the client needs access to the template code in order to do some changes.


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