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Forum » CMS - Standard features » New language
Thomas Schroll


Does anybody know if it is possible to create a new language without copying existing page from master website?

Regards Thomas


Morten Bengtson

You can allow creation of independant pages and paragraphs on language versions without having to create them on the master first.


Thomas Schroll

Thanks Morten, but I have a master language with 4000+ pages and I need to create 2 more languages with approx. 100 pages each. I need the language functionality later, but for now it would be easier for me to create blank languages if possible?

Regards Thomas

Morten Bengtson

I only see two options...

A) Create the new language versions and then delete all the pages that are automatically created int the process.

B) Create separate blank websites (not language versions) and then later turn them into language versions by executing some SQL updates.

Thomas Schroll

Ok, thanks. I think I'll stick to A).

Regards Thomas


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