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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Named lists
Aki Ruuskanen

Is it possbile to translate named lists for Items? 

I have a page with several named lists that I use as a global repository. When I change the language on that page there are no named lists at all so it seems that they are not transletable.

Regards / Aki


Merethe Vrå Andersen


I have named iten lists that I can see when logged in with english or danish in backend and the content from the lists are e.g. published with item publisher and is rendered in frontend even if I change the website language from danish to english.

Is it backend or frontent?

Can you show a video or describe more what's not translated?

Kind regards,

Aki Ruuskanen

I don't mean the admin language. I mean translating content. Or more specific, content of items in a named list. 

If I want to translate regular content in paragraphs on a page I just select the language in the toolbar and the paragraph is ready to be translated. 

But if I have a named list with items on a page and change the language, the items are not there anymore. I need to create new items for each language. 




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