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Named item list relationship table get's dropped

Nuno Aguiar



When we go into a named item list a start doing some things (search and sort) and then simply close the pop-up (we made up updates), we lose the items.


I noticed that we they are in the DB, so all it seems to be lost are the relationship data between items and the item list.


Can any one reproduce the problem?


We are using


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


Oleg Rodionov


I've just tested test site based on admin as follows:

1 Use a simple item type can be used for Item list;

2. Create new page/use existing one;

3 Go to the page properties-item lists-add the item list, fill the list by a data;

4. Perform search in the list form and change sort on a column;

5. Close the Item list form, reopen the form, check the item list data - OK (notheing lost, the same resut if the page is reopened);

6. Perform the step 4, select a liat in the form, change a field's data and save and close;

7. Perform the step 5  - the same results (OK)

BR, Oleg QA

Nuno Aguiar

Hi Oleg,


I managed to reproduce the problem consistenly


In the named item list, try to search for an empty value.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Oleg Rodionov

Hi Nuno,

Please, have a look at (taken using Chrome browser) . As you can see I don't have any bugs on our test environment/regular content with last versions of Chrome/IE/FF in line with your scenario.

So, probably, the bug is specific one related to your own solution. You can refer to DW's technical support service to try to solve the bug surely.

BR, Oleg QA

Nuno Aguiar

Hi Oleg,


Will do, because I do get the problem. After I search for something (even if it does not exist like QWERTY or a space) the table is updated, using Chrome or Firefox.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


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