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Multiple file upload - forms for editors

Charlotte Mogensen

I made a simple template for Esbjerg kommune, that should handle multiple file uploade on the page: 
But when I use it to upload 2 different files, it uploads one of the files twice instead, and none of the other file. Is that because the module can't handle that?
Would be nice to have multiple upload as a standard.


Kind regards,


Nicolai Pedersen

The module can handle multiupload using a single file and also supports multiple file fields.

There was a fix regarding upload and naming of files in Which version is this? And can you shoot a Jing of it?

Thanks, Nicolai

Charlotte Mogensen

Esbjerg is version so I tried on instead which is - but I can't see any difference in the Forms for editors module when using the file upload type: . How do I instruct this upload button to take multiple files as standard?

Test page: 

Thanks, Charlotte

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Charlotte

Oh, now I get it. You need to add the Multiple attribute to the input - dw does not support that out of the box (maybe we should by default):

You might be able to do it using JS: document.getElementById("fileInputId").setAttribute("multiple", "")

BR Nicolai

Charlotte Mogensen

Hi :) - that is exactly what I did at the beginning at Esbjerg (but it turned out that Esbjerg deleted the upload field from the form in the meantime...) So now I set up a new testpage with only the multiple upload field here: 
When I test it, I get 2 of the first file and none of the second file: 

So, that must be because DW or the module does something funny, right :)? Could it be fixed in standard to always allow multiple upload?

Charlotte Mogensen

I know of several customers who like multiple upload to be standard - could you maybe add that to some future DW9 version?

Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Charlotte

Yes, that has been added to DW9 (Dynamicweb.Forms 1.0.8) and in the next hotfix og 8.9.2. TFS#31879

BR Nicolai

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