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Most popular pages

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I have a heavy content based project and I need to find a way to display "Most Popular" articles.

Is there a way to easily display such a list? I would assume "Popular" = "with most visits"




Nicolai Pedersen

No easy way. I would take a look at the Statv2Page table that logs visits for each page (if not disabled).

Do a simple query against it and store the result in some cache.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks for the suggestion.

This probably means you don't have any plans to consider this as a potential feature request?


Nicolai Pedersen

That is right... It was a feature once, back in 1999, but since then it has not been requested wink

Peter Leleulya

Just for the record, I'm looking for this too right now due to a customer feature request ...
I'm hoping we'll be able to talk them out of it ...

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Peter

Duely noted. You can do this: run a query of Statv2Page joined with Page table and sum/order that list. You can probably use datalists for it. It probably would not even have to be dynamic since the top 5 most popular pages would hardly change after the first week of the site going live.

I am pretty sure this is a feature that will not make it to Dynamicweb.

Thanks for the input.

BR Nicolai


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