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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Mark answers in posts - make answering easier :-)

Mark answers in posts - make answering easier :-)

Jacob Storgaard Jensen

Hi guys,

The whole "community way of thinking" is cool - and one of the basic principles is to make life easier to each other.

So in order to make it easier for the guys who respond to the questions on this forum - Please mark some answers :-)

I just started doing a bit of answering to some posts - and I would be able to do many more if, when browsing the lists, I could ignore all the posts which was "resolved".

This was not written with any anger in my mind, just a little frustration :-)


Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Great idea. Now, if Dynamicweb would *duplicate* the answers at the top of the list, rather than moving them to the top and breaking the flow, it would be even bettter.....


Jacob Storgaard Jensen

Great idea Imar!


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