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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Login Issues
Casper Andersen

Hi DynamicWeb

So in all honesty i'm not sure why i'm having such a hard time with this but apparently i am :(

I created a new trial version of DynamicWeb on my PC and installed it without any problems.

Then i setup a login page, create profile page, view profile page. using the standard Extranet module.

Creating a new user via the register page works 100% ok and i add the new users to my custom group.


but as soon as i want to log them in, it keeps popping up telling me that i have either entered a wrong password or username.

Also tried creating the user myself inside the group from the backend, but still does not work.

I'm just using the standard templates so nothing custom


Any idea where i'm going wrong ?


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Casper

That is hard to say... Could be a <form> tag too much in a template or something like that. If you take a look at the developer tools in the browser and see what gets posted it might help you?

Otherwise we need a URL to help you out.

Casper Andersen

Well i'm using the exact same templates on both our live and our local site. The only difference is the status code which on the live site where it works is 302 found and on the local site where i'm having problems. it's 200 ok.


Dont know if this rings any bells. If not then i understand of course you cant help unless you can actually look at it. 

Casper Andersen

Ok so i found the problem.

I would say this is partly my bad but also feels like a bit of mis communication in dynamicweb cms. in the standard user module, it is possible to create a page with a login form, but this login form will not log you in on the frontend, for that i had to open my database and activate the frontend module which was set to false. After i did this everything worked perfectly. So i'm guessing you have to have the intranet / extranet extended module installed before you can have people login to the frontend via your form.


Thanks for the help!


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