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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Link to pdf open in browser instead of download - how?

Link to pdf open in browser instead of download - how?

Per Søgaard

When I link to a pdf in DW a would like it to open in a (new) window using pdf plugin instead of downloading the file which happens alle the time.

How to do this?


Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi Per,


You can add Download=false to the query string to prevent that from happening.

Hope this helps.



Per Søgaard

Thanks Imar

But my customer is using the normal link function in the editor and would like it to work always like that.

So can i get it to work like described without having the customer work in the source view. 

Nuno Aguiar

Hi Per,


You can always place the PDF within the Images folder, and will get that result.

The editor only forces download for files within the Files folder




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