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Language management in ItemTypes with ItemRelations

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I have a situation with a project where I have set 2 Language layers and the content is build mostly with ItemTypes. Most of the ItemTypes have fields of Type ItemRelation.

What I have notice so far is that any content edited in the ItemRelations does not get updated on the language versions. The fields set on the ItemType itself, like the Paragraph title, gets updated through. But not the eements inside the ItemRelations.

Is there a particular way of setting this so that they get updated?

I am using  9.2.16. Would an upgrade solve this issue?

Thank you,


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

There are a LOT of updates and fixes related to language management from 9.2 to 9.3 so I would recommend to upgrade no matter what. When it comes to Item relation lists, we still have an outstanding issue. I am not sure it is related to editing or just copying a new language layer. But do the upgrade and shoot a screencast of the issue, and we will look into the matter and see what it requires.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

I just upgraded to the latest version.

The issue I have noticed before, it is still tehre.

For example, on the page I can see the language switcher (Screenshot1) but on the paragraph I see only the language of the area I am in (Screenshot2). I cannot switch language from within the paragraph. I see that in the behavior is different (Screenshot 3)

I have also attached the settings of the Language management (Screenshot 4).

If I restore a language page, the paragraphs duplicate (Screenshot5).

Please advise.

Thank you,


Screenshot1.png Screenshot2.png Screenshot3.png Screenshot4.png Screenshot5.png


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