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Forum » CMS - Standard features » itemrelationlist can not drag and drop sort

itemrelationlist can not drag and drop sort

Kevin Steffer

Is this somehow going to be possible?

Have a project in front of me where we have some standard data items that needs to be shown differently for each place where a list of the data is published on which elements to show and with individual sorting of the s.e.l.e.c.t.e.d elements.

The itemrelationlist is doing the s.e.l.e.c.t.i.n.g of individual items from the standard data items, but I can't sort the list once I have created a list - then I'd have to d.e.l.e.t.e the complete list and start all over creating the list in order to get a new item at the top.

sorry for my dot w.o.r.d.s, but DW bans me if I send in s.e.l.e.c.t or d.e.l.e.t.e without the dots :)


Jonas Krarup Dam

Hi Kevin,

As far as I know, this is not something we are currently planning on implementing.

If it is something you need, please submit a feature request.



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