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Forum » CMS - Standard features » ItemPublisher:Item.Url


Thomas Schroll


I'm trying to create a page to send as newsletter via ItemPublisher. I want to select specific page items, show a teaser text from those items on the page and send the page to subscribers. I need a link to the items in the newsletter. I've noticed the tag ItemPublisher:Item.Url ( but I cant find it anywhere in the available tags.

Does anybody know in which loop the tag is?

Regards Thomas


Thomas Overgaard Nielsen

Hi Thomas

It is in the ItemPublisher:Items.List loop





Thomas Schroll

Hi Thomas

That's strange: IsNullOrEmpty on the tags return true and it isn't in my list of TemplateTags().

can the tag be used on Page Items?

Regards Thomas

Thomas Overgaard Nielsen

I believe the tag was added in 8.3.0 .. you did confirm your version, right?

Yes it works on page items.

So you have an item type, say 'newsitem,

And several newsitems published somewhere in your pagetree

And then you have a seperate page with an item publisher, where you manually select the NewsItems, you want published on that page?

I do something like that all the time .. as far as I remember however never wifth explicitly selected items. But that should not make a difference.


Thomas Schroll

Hi Thomas

The version is I do explicitly select the items, and I probably need it that way. I cannot use a static list because the newsletter have different sections, which mean I need multiple ItemPublishers. I really do not see another way.

I'll contact support, but thanks for looking at it.

Regards Thomas

Thomas Overgaard Nielsen

No problem.

Don't forget to post an update, if the solution has general relevance :)

Best regards

Mikkel Ricky

This is a know bug (#15654). A fix has been made and is planned for release in Dynamicweb 8.5.1.

Best regards,

Thomas Schroll

Thanks Mikkel

I'll delete the support ticket. Do you know a workaound or is it possible to try a fix before 8.5.1?

Regards Thomas

Mikkel Ricky
This post has been marked as an answer

We're currently finalizing 8.5.1 and we cannot release the fix before releasing 8.5.1.

You can get the id of an item based page using a Razor function like this

@functions {
    // Get id of item based page
    int GetItemPageId(string itemType, string itemId) {
        // @TODO Cache results to prevent accessing the database every time
        using (var command = Dynamicweb.Database.CreateConnection().CreateCommand())
      command.CommandText = "select PageId from Page where PageItemType = @itemType and PageItemId = @itemId";
            Dynamicweb.Database.AddStringParam(command, "itemType", itemType);
            Dynamicweb.Database.AddStringParam(command, "itemId", itemId);
            var value = command.ExecuteScalar();
            return value != null ? (int)value : 0;

but that should only be used as a very temporary workaround.

Best regards,

Votes for this answer: 1
Thomas Schroll

Thanks Mikkel, it's working perfectly.

I'll make sure to replace the code as soon as 8.5.1 is available.

Regards Thomas


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