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Forum » CMS - Standard features » ItemList not cached when used on website properties

ItemList not cached when used on website properties

Jan Schultz

I am in the process of optimizing the server response time on a DW solution. During my work i noticed that an item is not always cached although caching is enabled.

I have the following structure: An item "Website" contains a field "Footer" which is an item list of the item type "Foot".

"Website" is enabled for "Website- and page properties", and has caching enabled.

"Foot" is enabled for "ItemList" and also has caching enabled.

It seems that the item list field "Footer" is never cached, as when i run the page with "?debug=true" the SQL query is always present.

I had a similar problem with another field "Social" that had an identical setup. This was moved into a paragraph instead, and was promptly cahed as i would expect.


My question is, is this intended functionality, if so, do you have a list of scenarios where items are not cached, so that we may avoid them in the future.





Hi Jan,

I should say that it was decided don't cache lists selections - since they work rather efficiently(though it probably could be discussed).
I'm sure you should get similar query and for paragraphs.


Best regards,



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