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Item Relation Lists.

Yasharth Tahiliani


We are building this School Trips website wherein we have an Item Type called Visits. There are hundreds of these visits, and one visit is used on many item pages called Accommodations. I had earlier implemented these as an Item List on the Accommodation page, but the client said there will be hundreds of Accommodation pages too so they can't simply create so many Items for each Accommodation. 

I therefore, implemented this as Item Relation Lists on the Accommodation page so that the user can create the Item once and then use it on other Accommodation pages on the website. Now the client have come with a request of being able to edit these items within the item relation list without affecting the main Item for eg. they are wanting to have the same item on two different pages but one of the fields different. I spoke to your colleague Line about this and she says that it isn't possible. However, I was just wondering if they know of any way to work around this? I will create a feature request for this as it seems to be a Customer requirement.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

It is not possible, and we will not make it possible. It is basically a copy of an existing Item, and you can do that already...

BR Nicolai

Yasharth Tahiliani

How can we do that? Can you please elaborate, it might be very useful!

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Right click any item in page tree or a paragraph item and choose copy.

Yasharth Tahiliani

Haha I was wondering that there is a way to copy it in the list. That's fine, thanks :) 


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