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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Item Relation List: missing Item source Inline

Item Relation List: missing Item source Inline

Henning Jensen


Im trying to add items to a list without it being a page or paragraph but the option isnt there.

I have noticed that the Item doesnt show up in the Item type dropdown when "Enable item type for" is set to ItemList only.

Am i missing some settings?

Its version





Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Henning

Can you add a screen dump or something. Not sure I understand what you are trying to accomplish.

BR Nicolai

Henning Jensen

Hi Nicolai.

Maybe i can explain it a bit better

I have a paragraph item with an item relation list that i want the customer to populate themselfs.

This is a list of images+titles in this case, but it wont let me add item as a simple item, only paragraph.

When i remove paragraph from "Enable item type for" on the item (its now just ItemList), I cant set the item list type to that item.

In another solution, where everything is working, the itemlist has "item source" as Inline, but on this solution the inline option isnt there.

2016-04-11_13h02_39.png 2016-04-11_14h47_17.png


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