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Item paragraph name issue

Peter Leleulya

I have an issue with item types.

I have an item, for example a "TestItem" with only 2 string text fields "LabelA" and "LabelB".

When I add a new paragraph to the content page and select my "TestItem" I will be asked to enter a Paragraph name first.

So I enter "Test paragraph" and submit.

Now I see my item with 3 string fields: Paragraph name with value "Test paragraph" and my 2 empty text fields "LabelA" and "LabelB".

When I fill these fields and save, everything is fine.

When I re-open the item and delete the paragraph name and save, everything is fine.

But now I can't do anything anymore because when I re-open and save a warning is showed that "a name" is required, even when I fill all available fields. And "Name" is not part of my item so I'm guessing the paragraph name is meant.

Don't ask me why anyone would want to clear the field and save, one of our clients did and got stuck. And you are allowed to, so it shouldn't happen.

Does anyone have a clue what to do?

PS, version at the moment, with language layers.


PS2, version doesn't fix it.

And proof of the pudding:


Merethe Nielsen
This post has been marked as an answer


This is already registered as bug 16355.

If you want to use an item field for paragraph name you can use "Use field for title". It's a setting in the item type settings. Then the paragraph name field is not needed.
Read more in the manual: (Setting is available from 8.4.1+).

Mvh Merethe

Votes for this answer: 1
Peter Leleulya

Thanks for your response Merethe,

The problem is that the item doesnt have a title field to select, because the paragraph title was used for that purpose.

But it being registered already, I can take it from here and work around I guess ..



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