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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Item list 100 items restriction

Item list 100 items restriction

Mads Sjørslev


When we try to add a new item to a itemlist we get an error with the message, that we cannot create more than 100 items. Is there a solution for fixing this problem?

The solution is running on  Dynamicweb

Br. Mads


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Mads

What license do the solution have?

I note that it is a really old version of Dynamicweb - it is recommended that you at least upgrade to the latest 8.9 version for security reasons.

BR Nicolai

Mads Sjørslev

Hi Nicolai

Is is a Professional esition.

Yes, we are in dialogue with the customer about it.

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Mads

I have asked the support to contact you. My guess is that this version is limited due to potential performance issues. I thought it might be a license issue.

BR Nicolai


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