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Item in named item list

Peter Leleulya

Hi guys,

I have an item editor and an item publisher to create a list of custom items.
I have them set to item as page at the moment.
I need the created items to be language independent. An item created in which ever language should be visisble in the list for each language.
With item set to pages that doesnt seem to work.
Now there is an extra option: "item in named list".
I'm not sure what that does and if it is any use to me, but I can't seem to figure out how this should work.
Where do I create this list to which I would like to add? Can't find any documentation on it ...

Thanks in advance!


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Not sure I understand.

If you have this

  • Webiste (EN)
    • Language 1 (DE)
    • Language 2 (NL)

You would have to have a new website to store your items. Like this...

  • Webiste (EN)
    • Language 1 (DE)
    • Language 2 (NL)
  • Share Items
Peter Leleulya

Hmmm thats not what I'm looking for.
Perhaps I've to undo the items stuff and create database table content.
I still don't understand how item in named list works though ...

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Peter

They are explained here:

Does that clarify?

BR Nicolai

Peter Leleulya

Thank you Nicolai, this document did clarify and helped me towards a solution.
I ended up ditching the item publisher and creating my own list based on itemtype type.

Why I couldn't find any info lately is because I search in the developer platform, that often doen't return any usefull results.
When searching for named item list for example it doesn't help me at all.
I now noticed searching in the online manual does give me useful info. That will help me for the future,



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