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Isotope and Items?

Mikkel Toustrup Olsen

I am currently working with items in Dynamicweb. Each item contains x-amount of fields (text, images and etc.)

I am curious whether anyone have experience in isotope filtering/sorting on items. As far as I know, each item needs a category (from which it can be sorted/filtered in isoptope) and of course, the user has to click on each of these categories to do the actual filtering/sorting.


I am a bit confused on how to accomplish this in the most efficient way. I was thinking of making x-amount of checkboxes (one for each category) and somehow make isotope sort in these values, by getting these when publishing the items.

Frontend would be like...




*Click* CAT A -> items with the checkbox CAT A checked will be shown ..

*Click* CAT B -> items with the checkbox CAT B checked will be shown




Any suggestions or best-practice on this matter?








Mikkel Ricky
This post has been marked as an answer

It's probably not best practice, but this piece of code does the job:

@using Dynamicweb.Content.Items;

@functions {
    public List<string> GetCategories(Item item)
        var categories = new List<string>();
        var value = item["Categories"] as string;
        if (value != null)
        return categories;

    var allCategories = new SortedSet<string>();
    var items = new List<Item>();
    foreach (var i in GetLoop("ItemPublisher:Items.List"))
        var item = Item.GetItemById("Thread_34310", i.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Field.Id"));
        foreach (var c in GetCategories(item))

<div class="filter">
            <a href="#" data-filter="*" class="current">*</a>
        @foreach (var c in allCategories)
                <a href="#" data-filter=".@c">@c</a>

<div class="container">

    @foreach (var item in items)
        <div class="item @string.Join(" ", GetCategories(item))">

(function (window, $, undefined) {
    $(window).load(function () {
        var $container = $('.container');
            filter: '*',
            animationOptions: {
                duration: 750,
                easing: 'linear',
                queue: false

        $('.filter a').click(function () {
            $('.filter .current').removeClass('current');

            var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter');
                filter: selector,
                animationOptions: {
                    duration: 750,
                    easing: 'linear',
                    queue: false
            return false;
}(window, jQuery))</script>

@using Dynamicweb.Content.Items;

@functions {
    public List<string> GetCategories(Item item)
        var categories = new List<string>();
        var value = item["Categories"] as string;
        if (value != null)
        return categories;

    var allCategories = new SortedSet<string>();
    var items = new List<Item>();
    foreach (var i in GetLoop("ItemPublisher:Items.List"))
        var item = Item.GetItemById("Thread_34310", i.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Field.Id"));
        foreach (var c in GetCategories(item))

<div class="filter">
            <a href="#" data-filter="*" class="current">*</a>
        @foreach (var c in allCategories)
                <a href="#" data-filter=".@c">@c</a>

<div class="container">

    @foreach (var item in items)
        <div class="item @string.Join(" ", GetCategories(item))">

(function (window, $, undefined) {
    $(window).load(function () {
        var $container = $('.container');
            filter: '*',
            animationOptions: {
                duration: 750,
                easing: 'linear',
                queue: false

        $('.filter a').click(function () {
            $('.filter .current').removeClass('current');

            var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter');
                filter: selector,
                animationOptions: {
                    duration: 750,
                    easing: 'linear',
                    queue: false
            return false;
}(window, jQuery))</script>

Remember to put in the right item type system name ("Thread_34310" is used in the example).

Best regards,

Votes for this answer: 1
Mikkel Toustrup Olsen

Hi Mikkel,

Above code works like a charm, thanks! 

However I got it working on a more non-dynamic way though Im sure the above code will be used when optimizing the solution :-)





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