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Importing extranet users from csv file

Hans Ravnsfjall


What is the best way to import extranet users from a csv file? The function in the user management doesn´t work, I guess because the data is not structured as in the user table in DW.

I would hope the user provider in the data integration could help me map the data, but i can´t figure out how it´s done.

What is the best way to import extranet users, and is there any link to some documentation on how it´s done in the data integration tool and/or the user management area?


Lars Britz
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Hans,

We have written a bit about using the user-provider here:

If you are importing simple users, like for instance newsletterrecipients, I recommend using the import-function from the UserManagement. It is quite straightforward and only requires that you define which fields are to be imported in the first line of your csv-file. If you are importing users to be used in connection with the Email-marketing module it is minimal requirement that the name, username, password and email are set for each user.

I have made an example of a csv-file that works:


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