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image tag autoappending src

Jonas Mersholm

Hi DW forum.

I am trying to make a dynamic logo pr. website, using items. The item works fine, and getting the item in the frontend works fine. The problem is, that when i do the following

<img src='@GetString("Item.Area.Logo")' />

The result is

<img src="/Files/Templates/Designs/Site//Files/Billeder/logo_n2_hvid_CMYK.png">

The Image tag automatically appends /Files/Templates/Designs/Site/ to the src. How do i stop this behaviour?




Mikkel Ricky
This post has been marked as an answer

Currently, you can only work around this using this nasty hack (assuming the value of Item.Area.Logo url is an absolute url)

<img src='/../@GetString("Item.Area.Logo")' />

This makes the layout parser leave the attribute value alone (since it looks like an absolute url).

Not that this is only an issue in layout template (page templates). I have created a product backlog item for this as we need a better solution.

Best regards,

Votes for this answer: 1
Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Or you can call Replace on the return value of GetString and get rid of the unwanted part of the path. That could break when you rename the design though....



Jonas Mersholm

Thank you for the fix Mikkel :)


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