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Forum » CMS - Standard features » image search based on keywords in file manager and content

image search based on keywords in file manager and content

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

I would like to locate my images easily based on search terms. For example, when I upload an image, either in the file manager or in the paragraph /- container, I would like to be able to add keywords to the image for later retrieval. I see that I have the option to add "metafields" to an image, but this is set on folder level, and I would like it on a global level.  I would also like these tags to be searchable, both from within the file manager and when an image is to be inserted into a content item of any kind.

How can this be done? I'm sure it is possible to search for images in DW, but I'm not able to locate the feature.


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Siv

You can setup system meta fields that will work all over the filesystem - see documentation:

These meta data are available in the frontend in templates in some places (not implemented in Rapido though).

Meta data are currently not searchable, but would be a nice addition.

But you can search filenames in both the filemanager and in the dialog when inserting an image.

BR Nicolai


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