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IE : cannot open paragraph with mouse click

Ton Martens



customer on In Internet Explorer 11, DW's prefered browser, one cannot open a paragraph with a single left-mouse click. Nothing happens. One has to open te paragraph by right-clicking and then select the option (edit). The sames goes for opening a module directly from the paragraph overview. One has to click right and select 'module setup'. And than a JS error pops up (screenshot).


It's annoying. Can this be fixed without having to upgrade?






Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Ton

DW does not prefer IE - any modern browser should do.

Could you please try deleting the cache for this site in your IE (or use a in private window).

Also consider upgrade your 8.4.1 to the .26 hotfix. IE 11 has been updated after your 1.15 release and we have fixed some issues in that regard.

BR Nicolai

Ton Martens

Hi Nicolai,


Thanks for your reply. Well, it's good to know that any modern browser "should" do, since my experience is that none of the modern browsers does everything with DW. There's always something having us to switch to another browser to get things done.


Clearing the cache did not solve it, unfortunately. We'll consider the upgrade.




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Ton

Sorry to hear that. If you experience browser problems, just let us know and we will address them.

Also be aware that browsers evolve. so if you have a Dynamicweb from 2013 using a browser from 2014, the browser might have changed behavior - and that is what I think is the issue with your IE.

BR Nicolai

Ton Martens

Thanks Nicolai.



Ton Martens
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Nicolai,

I have to apologize for starting this post, since it now appears the problem was caused by my client pc. Clearing the IE-browser cache did not solve the problem, but 'resetting' IE did. Apparently IE was in some kind of state which caused the issue.

Clicking a paragraph now opens it, and no JS error occurs.


Have a nice day,


Votes for this answer: 1
Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Ton

Thank you for the update, could be helpful for other users.

It could have been the compatibility settings that was causing the issue.

Thanks, Nicolai


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