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How to keep the user logged in across multiple websites (Use domain for cookie?)

Allan Iversen
Allan Iversen


Is it possible to keep the user logged in across multiple websites?

We have looked into the "Use domain for cookie" cookie manager settings - but it does not working in this case.

How do we solve this using standard features?



Nicolai Pedersen

Be very careful with that setting!!

If you have multiple websites that uses different domains (i.e. and you cannot share cookies and then login cannot be shared. This is a browser limitation.

If you share domain, but have different hosts (i.e. and cookies can be shared using the domain - that is the checkbox you have found.

So if you have different domains, you need to link between the sites using a notation that can login the user again on site 2 etc. You can use ?pwtoken={secret} to link from one site to another and automatically login the user. This is to be considered a security issue though...

BR Nicolai

Allan Iversen
Allan Iversen

Hi Nicolai,

Sorry I will have to be more clear about this case.

In our case we do share the domain but have different hosts. If I understand you, with this settings we are supposed to get this to work?


Nicolai Pedersen


But if you already have a cookie for the host, the domain cookie will not be picked up because of how browsers work.

So when you toggle that setting, all cookies have to get cleared. So it is a really nasty setting to deal with in production.

BR Nicolai

Nicolai Pedersen

If you take a look at your cookies in dev tools, you can probably see the same cookie twice - once for host and once for domain.

Allan Iversen
Allan Iversen

Hi again,

I do not see any user management cookie at all after cookie clearing. Running on DW 9.8.11.

I am still not able to maintain login state on both hosts (eg. and Login to does not let me in on

Maybe these cookie manager settings is not supposed to work with user management cookies?

Nicolai Pedersen

Yes, that also goes for the login cookie.

  1. When activating this setting, an iisreset is required...
  2. In recent version (cannot remember precisely) the login is stored in DW_ExtranetSessionCookie the login is stored in a session cookie (Dynamicweb.Session) which will restore the login on site 2
    1. If you do not have that DW_ExtranetSessionCookie session cookie, you have to store username and password along with autologin=true for the login to automatically happen on site 2.

In the last couple of releases there have been some changes to these cookies to enhance security and be current on cookie handling (hhtponly, samesite etc.)

This is the result for me when enabling this feature:

Nicolai Pedersen

This is the logged in cookie:

(not the session cookie as I wrote - that is related to the cart)

Allan Iversen
Allan Iversen

Hi Nicolai,

An update on this.

I have tested on DW 9.9.8 - cookie manager "Use domain for cookies" enabled, solution is restarted.

DW_ExtranetSessionCookie is stored - but cookie domain part still does not include "". I still just get the

What do I need to do? :-)

When changing domain part from "" to "" manually, the login part functions on all subsites. So the actual function works, only need to get the cookie storage issue fixed.

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Allan

What version of Dynamicweb.Environment do you have? This one:

It has the cookie manager that handles this. You can try to update to the latest version even though I cannot see we made any changes that affects this.

Can you share some screendumps of the response and cookies your browser receives from the site when entering it the first time in an incognito window?

Thanks, Nicolai

Allan Iversen
Allan Iversen

Sure - here you go.

DwExtranetSessionCookie has the subdomain defined not the top level domain.

Dynamicweb.Environment.dll version 4.0.0.

cookiemanager-dwextranetsessioncookie-incognito-1.png cookiemanager-dwextranetsessioncookie-incognito-2.png Dynamicweb.Environment.dll.version.png
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Ok - have a finding.

In your global settings file, take a look at a setting with the name "UseDomainAndNotHost" or "UseDomainAndNotHostNew".

When using the version 4 environment, this setting has to be true: /Globalsettings/Settings/CookieManager/UseDomainAndNotHostNew

With "New" in the end of the name. We had to rename the setting at some point.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Allan Iversen
Allan Iversen

Hi Nicolai,

Perfect - and it works, thanks!

UseDomainAndNotHostNew was missing - only UseDomainAndNotHost was present.

Nicolai Pedersen

Great! That required some code digging and good eyes to find. Sorry about the confusion!!


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