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Forum » CMS - Standard features » How to get a specific value in datalist?

How to get a specific value in datalist?

Mateus Ávila Isidoro


I am needing
access the specific fields of DataList, but I can not give results. I saw that on page templates to get a specific value of a ROW enough to put the field name + value, eg <! - @ PageID.Value-->, but nothing happens. I tried using the same scheme FORMS to access a specific value, but had no effect. I post below the code I'm using:

<ul class="dragOn">
<i> <!--@ ParagraphID.Value--> | </ i> <b> <!--@ParagraphText.Value--> | </ b>
<!--@LoopEnd (Row)-->
<!--@ LoopEnd (Rows)-->


Bjarne Rosendal

Hi Mateus

To return the value of the row, you should use the row.value tag:

Best regards
Bjarne Rosendal
Dynamicweb Support
Mateus Ávila Isidoro
If I try this, return the values setted on the module. I need the way to build in template, like:

<a href="#<!--@ParagraphID.Value-->"><!--@ParagraphName.Value--></a>


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