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How does related news work in DW7

Martin Nielsen
Hi DW,

I have a solution running DW7, and i'd like to show related news when viewing a specific newsitem.

I have a news category containing 4 news, and when i view one of them in frontend, the related news loop is empty.

I can't find any settings to make the relations manually, so does DW generate them manually?, or am i looking in the wrong places?

// Martin


Hi Martin,
I'm sorry but related news were appeared only in DW8
Best regards,

Hi Martin,
sorry I'm was wrong. In DW8 were appeared new option Related Categories.
To make related news in DW7 you should fill news metadata - keywords.

Best regards,

Richard Adams

We run a site on DW8.1.1.0. with NewsV2. We still have to fill out the metadata >> Keywords to have related news to have certain news show up in the related news list.

Allso, if we crosspublish with the Related Categories feature, the naws allso apperes in the normal news-list, and this might not be what we intended.


For the time beeing, Martin, I suggest that you use a predfined word in the Metadata >> Keywords-field to "activate" the related news as long as you want only certain articles to be shown as related. Remember to use the same keyword in all articles you want to relate :)




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