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How does Dw log user activity exactly (including before and after login)

Sean Meade Dynamicweb Employee
Sean Meade

If I start a Dw session as a user and surf around the website without being logged in, once I log in (say, to make a purchase), will all of my activity for that session get tracked or just the activity AFTER I log in?


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

All of it.

When you start a session, a new record will be created on Statv2session table that holds your information. There are also some related tables. On the Statv2session table there is a column called visitor id. Given that you visit the website multiple times from the same browser, all visits (sessions) will share visitorid and can all be tracked back to you.

When you logon, the current Statv2session row will be updated with your AccessUserID on the Statv2sessionAccessUserID column and in that way your current and previous visits can be linked together.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Sean Meade Dynamicweb Employee
Sean Meade



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